Completed Phd Dissertations

Doctor Dissertation Title Year
Pavlakou Evgenia The Positive Organizational Behavior and the Education in Behavioural Skills. 2024
Tamiolakis Georgios Status-seeking behavior via an evolutionary framework. 2023
Papadimitriou Evangelia How Green Strategies Influence Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity and Managerial Cognition. 2023
Gaidatzis Athanasios A Neuromarketing investigation of the Impact of Environmental Stimuli on Consumer Behavior. 2023
Lazanaki Vera Antecedents and Consequences of Interpersona conflict at workplace: a diary study. 2023
Zografou Eirini Human Resources Management in Tourism SMEs 2023
Mavraki Evangelia-Zoi Exploring Market-Driven and Market-Driving Strategies 2023
Panagiotopoulou Altani Consequences of Emotional Intelligence in Consumer Behavior. 2022
KontosPagiotis Employer Brand Identification through the lens of Self-Determination Theory. 2022
Kyriakopoulos Nikolaos An empirical investigation into product rollover decisions: Evidence from the UK. 2022
Karli Marina The Impact of Learning Transfer on Employees’ Work Behavior Using Situational Judgment Tests. 2021
Kottikas Konstantinos Innovative Marketing Strategies: Market-driven versus Market-driving. 2021
Pachos-Fokialis Nikolaos High Performance Work Systems for an Aging Workforce 2020
Polyportis Athanasios Incidental Emotions and Hedonic Forecasting: The Role of the Certainty-Uncertainty Appraisal Dimension 2020
Loukopoulou Apostolia Attribute Level Variety-Seeking Behavior. 2020
Trompeta Maria-Aggeliki A Meta-analysis of the effects of Music on Customers of Tourism Services. 2020
Kottika Efthymia Διερεύνηση των Σχέσεων που Αναπτύσσονται μεταξύ των Χαρακτηριστικών του Επιχειρηματία και του Προσανατολισμού στην Επιχειρηματικότητα και το Μάρκετινγκ της Μικρομεσαίας Επιχείρησης. 2019
Lamprinakos Grigorios Emotions and Cognition. The Multiple Roles of Anger, Surprise and Awe in Persuasive Communication. 2019
Kontopoulou Vasiliki Consumer Behavior and Counterfeit Luxury Brands: An Evolutionary Psychology Approach. 2019
Kousi Sofia Η συμβολή των υλικών και εμπειρικών αγορών στην ευτυχία: διευρύνοντας τη σύσταση εμπειρίας 2018
Paraskevopoulou Louiza Crafting the extra innovation: from job crafting to innovative behavior 2017
Painesis Grigorios Empirical Determination of Coupon Face Value Framing and Design Effects: An Experimental Approach. 2016
Tsimonis Georgios Η διερεύνηση της ποιότητας σχέσης και των παραγόντων που τη διαμορφώνουν στο περιβάλλον των Κοινωνικών Δικτύων: H εφαρμογή της θεωρίας σχεσιακού οφέλους και κόστους. 2016
Papadas Karolos-Konstantinos Προσανατολισμός στο πράσινο μάρκετινγκ (Green marketing orientation): οι παράγοντες που το επηρεάζουν και οι συνέπειές του. 2016
Psimouli Maria Η επωνυμία μιας χώρας: διερευνώντας την έννοια. 2016
Mpoikou Vasileios Σύγχρονες στρατηγικές τιμολόγησης προϊόντων Β2Β επιχειρήσεων στην Ελλάδα. 2016
Tsachouridi Eirini Οργανωσιακή αρετή:  μελέτη των παραγόντων που την προκαλούν μέσα σε έναν οργανισμό καθώς και των επιδράσεών της υπό το πρίσμα της θεωρίας κοινωνικής ανταλλαγής. 2016
Chitiri Alexandra-Paraskevi Reconsidering the Human Resource Management-Organisational Performance Relationship 2015
Magrizos Solon Corporate social responsibility and SME Financial Performance. 2015
Papista Erifili-Vasiliki An investigation of quality and identification in the relationship between consumer and environmentally friendly brands. 2015
Anagnostidou Zoi Attitude-based versus attribute-based consumer decision making: the role of accessibility, diagnosticity, motivation and opportunity. 2014
Makri Aikaterini Factors influencing export venture performance: an empirical investigation. 2014
Chalkias Georgios Consumer responses to schema incongruent brand communication: moderating factors & boundary conditions. 2014
Giannoupoulos Antonis Investigation of the interdependence of internal and external orientation: an integrated model for orientation, internal and external customer satisfaction and business performance 2013
Kaminakis Konstantinos The Impact of Servicescape on employees, customers, and their interactions 2013
Giakoumaki Christina The role of consumer advertising in B2B products 2013
Nteliou Kleopatra Total quality in Education: Contribution at the communication and the image of the university 2013
Picha Lamprini Brand Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences 2012
Kostopoulos Ioannis The Conditions and the Consequences of the Effectiveness of Service Blueprinting. An empirical study at the Hotel Sector 2012
Rafailidou Mirofora Glass Ceiling in the Greek Corporations: an Institutional Theory Perspective 2012
Tzempelikos Nektarios An integrated model of Key Account Management Orientation – Motives, Implementation and Results 2011
Theodorakis Ioannis Rhetoric and provocation: Consumers’ emotions, values and attitudes towards plain and rhetorically constructed provocative ads 2011
Saridakis Charalampos An Analysis of Consumer Preferences in the Greek Car Market 2011
Papadakis Georgios Usage of CRM systems and consequences on firm performance 2011
Lionakis Konstantinos An exploratory study of the Relationships and the Conflicts between Marketing and Sales Departments in Greek Consumer Goods Firms: Determinants and Consequences 2011
Peitzika Eirini Effective Marketing Strategies of fast moving consuming products, that are at different stage of life cycle, in Greece 2010
Stavraki Maria The role of Emotion at the change of attitudes through advertising 2009
Konstantoulaki Kleopatra The effect of Involvement at the Descriptive Properties of the Examination Total and at the Selectivity of the consumer 2009
Rizomiliotis Ioannis The effectiveness of printed industrial advertising in Greece: Theoretical and Empirical approach 2008
Pilidou Ourania Empirical Investigation of Launching New Industrial Products from representative Companies: Emphasis on the Communication Strategy 2008
Psiloutsikou Marina Strategic Synergy for Companies following a Twofold Strategy: The case of printed and electronic newspapers 2007
Kirezis Nikolaos Trust and Intention to Use Alternative Networks for Bank Transactions 2006
Koritos Christos Parameters that influence the Adoption of Innovative Distribution Channels 2006
Daskalakis Nikolaos The Capital Structure of Greek Firms: Causes of its formation and influencing factors 2006
Iordanoglou Dimitra The effect of Emotional Intelligence at the effective Human Resource Management, in the field of education. The role of Leadership 2006
Galanaki Eleanna Factors influencing the Outsourcing of Human Resources Management Services 2005
Panagopoulos Nikolaos The practices of Sales Management at Greek Industrial Businesses-Factors of Effectiveness and the effect of New Technologies 2003
Indounas Konstantinos The process of Pricing and factors that influence Pricing at the Services Sector: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis 2003
Giannouli Ioanna Development and Application of a Model for Strategic Supply Chain System Management 2002
Panayotopoulou Leda Strategic Human Resource Management: Determinants and Impact on Effectiveness 2001
Stamatopoulos Miltiadis Decision Support System for the Strategic Design of Airports 2000